July 17, 2010

busy season..

woah, i cannot believe i haven't posted anything in over a month! things here have been pretty crazy.....working a lot, preparing for the little one, living out of a suitcase. this weekend we are out of town which is so nice! an opportunity to step away from the hectic busy schedule of life :)

i am so grateful that everything is going so well...all of my tests from the doctor, etc. have come back great and the little guy seems to be doing well! i can't believe how time is going by so fast....less than 3 months or so to go! i'm going to post some more very soon but while i have this down time i'm going to pick up my bible and read some....  much love.....


  1. Glad to hear you are doing well, pregnancy is such a blessing, enjoy this time!

  2. Yes, I'm glad your pregnancy is going well too. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the little guy when he's born! Everything in its season. =)
